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Orca’s escape from B.C. lagoon will be talked about for ‘generations,’ say Nations

Orca’s escape from B.C. lagoon will be talked about for ‘generations,’ say Nations

The orca has been the focus of intense rescue efforts since March 23
Letter: Casino Gold mining will transport 20 truck loads daily of cyanide into the Yukon

Letter: Casino Gold mining will transport 20 truck loads daily of cyanide into the Yukon

Writer is concerned that big new mines bring big new truckloads of cyanide with them
Letter:Highway workers need further protection.

Letter:Highway workers need further protection.

Dangerous near miss prompts criticism.
Whitehorse community choir bids farewell to artistic director

Whitehorse community choir bids farewell to artistic director

Farewell show featuring Barabara Chamberlin’s favourite songs planned.
2/5 of Yukon school councils won’t have quorum if candidates don’t step up

2/5 of Yukon school councils won’t have quorum if candidates don’t step up

School councils need quorum to operate
Kevin Bacon dances back to ‘Footloose’ high school

Kevin Bacon dances back to ‘Footloose’ high school

Students agreed to help put together 5,000 care packages for the charity if Bacon showed up
Liberal government turning to influencers to get message to young Canadians

Liberal government turning to influencers to get message to young Canadians

Social media stars were invited to budget lockup last week in bid to reach voters online
Indigenous healing lodges face chronic underfunding in Canada, critics say

Indigenous healing lodges face chronic underfunding in Canada, critics say

Lodges provide alternative to conventional prisons and potential solution to overincarceration
Venice Biennale platforms LGBTQ , outsider and Indigenous artists

Venice Biennale platforms LGBTQ , outsider and Indigenous artists

Exhibition runs until November
Strong Canadian showing in NHL playoffs is good news for fans

Strong Canadian showing in NHL playoffs is good news for fans

Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto all in, the largest number of Canadian teams since 2017